Hi, folks. I'm home from a week in Florida and catching up. Until I can get a few things jotted down, enjoy this video some folks at my church made.
You can visit the church's website at wickerparkgrace.net. It is a community of folks who have made me feel completely accepted and able to explore my relationship with God more fully than I have ever been able to.
Last night, Jacob and I went to visit a Reconstructionist synagogue for Shabbat service. We read the website wrong and didn't realize that it would be the family service. It was fun to watch these loved kids run around and recite prayers. I felt really welcome. Also, I like that the Rabbi added "and all of his creation" to the prayer that thanked God for loving the people of Israel. I also really like the doctrine of Reconstructionism and that the synagogue's publications all have a section on Tikkun Olam, which is the idea that we should be mending the world. It's a little far away but I think we'll manage to make the jaunt if we like the community since it's no further than Wicker Park Grace. We'll keep lookng around, though, to make sure we're completely happy.
Con of the North 2025
Con of the North 2025. This is the third year Aeryn and I have been to
this board gaming convention. Given I missed most of Gameholecon in
Madison, WI, t...
Do you see yourselves belonging to 2 religious communities, and attending 2 services on the weekends?
You church seems wonderful--I love community-oriented congregations so much (ok I love community-oriented anything!). Also I LOVE RECONSTRUCTIONISM. The recon shul here doesn't fit us for a few reasons but it's a movement that both the dude and I really identify with.
I know it isn't always easy for you guys, but I so respect where you seem to be coming from with religion--there is something beautiful and enriching about finding ways to learn across practice and finding ways to live both. In the Jewish community here there is a fear that this is fragmenting--I feel like it has such potential to make everyone richer and stronger.
I echo Christy's wonderings--though I know that's a terribly personal question. When you talk about the interfaith life you're building together, you're inspiring lots of curiosity on my end, and I'd love to hear some "nuts and bolts" like that...
Jacob and I recognize that our joint practice will be a constantly evolving thing. What works for us now may not work when we have kids or when those kids are teenagers. With that in mind, right now we do envision two communities and 2 weekend services when we can. I think we see the time commitment as a substitute for going to movies or bars. It's a totally different kind of date night.
Accordiansandlace has asked for more of the negotiations of our ceremony and now Christy and Ali have asked for nuts and bolts. Now that I've got a little time off, I promise to try both. :-)
Hi there, if your going to explore Recontructionist Judaism, then you need check out Jewish Renewal in Chicago too
[If you haven't done so already]
According to Google Maps, its closer by half the distance.:-)
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