Monday, January 28, 2008

At least it's not a phone call during dinner

OK, part of being at the University of Chicago involves being part of a major respected research facility. So, as students, we are learning how to be major respected researchers. From time to time, I'll be posting link to surveys created by my friends to help them out in collecting data. Please take a little time and help them out. They'll help me out when I have surveys so I want to start generating some positive surevey karma.

Dear friends,

I am collecting data on use of family planning/reproductive health
clinics and would greatly appreciate your participation in a survey
that will help me examine this topic in greater depth. The survey
should take less than five minutes to complete, all responses are
confidential, and it is available online by clicking the link below:


The survey will be open until Friday, February 1...but don't miss out
on the fun - survey today! Also, it would be a fantastic help if you
would forward this email/link along to anyone who might be willing to
take the survey - family, friends, colleagues - any and all
contributions are welcome!

Thanks in advance for your participation - I truly appreciate it.

Kind regards,


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